Youth 13-18 years

Swimming for Youth in Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club

Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club has several offers for young people. Swimming course for young people - Young people who are not ready to swim can learn to swim in courses with other young people Training groups - Young people who have completed all courses in swimming school and who still want to improve their technique, but who do not want competitions and will continue to swim in the club training groups Competition groups - Young people who have the level and desire to swim competitive swimming Recruit groups - Young people who have completed all courses in the swimming school, can try out the recruiting group to see if competition swimming is of interest Wild in Water - Young people who want to be active in the pool , but who are not necessarily motivated by swimming a multitude of lengths can participate in the wild in the water group

For registration for swimming lessons go to

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